USB & IEEE1394 Plugin for WinPE


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(1) USB & IEEE1394 Plug & Play for WinPE (Ver 2.4 Nov 18, 2024):
- *** USE at your own risk ***
- Works (tested) with XPE 0.99 & XPE 1.02 and WinXP SP1 or SP2
- Only base registry provided, user registry is now extracted via BAT file. This should make the plugin more compatible with your hardware.
- Reverted inf file to direct copy drivers from %windir%\System32 ... folders to ensure you have the correct/latest drivers.
- I Have not tried IEEE1394 Network USB / Cards yet - I do not have a network.
- As from ver 2.4, there is no support for SP1 anymore (I believe it should work as the bulk of the development was done using SP1).

To check if you have correctly installed the plugin right click MyComputer icon->Properties->Hardware->Device Manager and you should see something like this:

Most important, the "Plug and Play Software Device Enumerator" item should be displayed. Otherwise WinPE cannot enumerate your USB & IEEE1394 and will not be accessible.


After plugging a few USB & IEEE devices you will see:

This is the MyComputer display of the devices attached:

I have the following connected:-
1. Sarotech SBP2 IEEE1394 Firewire removable HDD (XP-Backup)
2. PQI generic travelling USB Stick
3. PQI multi-function (7-in-1) card reader with Sony Memory Stick 128Mb and an IBM Microdrive 1Gb.

And here is the Disk Management services screen:

Below are some screenshots of my hardware specific version.

The plugin will not show this on your PC since you have different hardware from mine. I also have "Standard Enhanced PCI to USB Host Controller" active for USB v2.0 service. You must have usbehci.sys in for USB v2 support. Originally this did not get activated in my system due to a bios setting and an old BIOS that did not properly support USB v2. After flashing latest the BIOS the enhanced driver appeared. Some of you may have usbuhci.sys instead - I think this is an USB v1.1 driver. The usbohci.sys is the OpenHCD driver and only supports USB v1.0.


Funny - I do not understand why my PQI USB Stick is identified as "OTi Ultra Floppy USB Device"?? Appears that every default WinXP installation has the OTi Ultra Floppy as a default generic USB stick device.


This is the screen (main screen) to safely remove the USB / IEEE1394 devices.


Download latest USB & IEEE1394 Plugin here:

After downloading, extract files to a plugin folder. Then run ExtractMyUSB.bat by double clicking the file. This will extract your hardware specific registry entries so you have a better chance of getting the plugin to work. If you use add-on PCI cards to provide usb & ieee1394 support, then you will require other registry entries - check your vendor's .inf file for clues.

Note: You should not try to use (or other similar) program(s) to convert the .reg file for use as an .inf in PE. It will cause PE to hang.

Do not forget to "eject" media before removing it!

>>> Pls do not email me - its best to post questions in WinPE forum.

Mick Leong


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